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Старый 13.04.2011, 12:20   #30
АДский Дед
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April 15, 2011 at 10am PDT through April 18, 2011 at 10am PDT
Due to an overwhelming response, Trion Worlds is holding another Allies of the Ascended event this weekend. We’re giving out Ally Codes that will grant new players access to the world of Telara, free of charge, for the entire weekend. Visit www.RIFTgame.com/ally for your Ally Code, as well as instructions on applying your Ally Code, more information about the Allies of the Ascended event, and to download the RIFT patcher. Get your Ally Code before this Code Rift is sealed! Make sure to grab a new code for this weekend's event, as the old codes will not grant access.
Try RIFT for free this weekend!

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